Tick Tock, Tick Tock..


The Ticker Window | Tooltypes | Skins and Plugins |Bugs

The Ticker Window

Click on an area for a description.

The Ticker Main WindowEjectPauseFastHeadlinesStatus BarFrequency of Updates

Eject Eject forces the program to check the server for updates.
Pause Pause/Play stops and restarts the scroller. It is safe to pause and unpause the scroller at ANY time (even while doing a server check).
Fast Fast skips to the next news message.
Frequency of Updates Sets frequency of server updates in minutes. 0 is never.
Headline The headlines.
Status Displays the program status.


  • You can't quit the program during a server check. This is a feature, not a bug.
  • Clicking on an entry in the scroller will bring up the story related to that headline in your web browser via OpenURL (requires version OpenURL 2+). Note that the URL itself is not actually displayed for the headlines, and the scroller will always show the story related to the entry under the mouse pointer.
  • Keep an eye on the status line under the scroller, this'll give you some idea of what the program is up to.
  • The window position is remembered when you quit the program

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The following can be used as tooltypes or command line arguments.

SKIN/K Name of the skin to display.
EG: SKIN=AmazingGraphic.iff Default: base.iff
PARSELIBRARY/K Name of the parser library to use. If the library is not in the same directory as the program or in LIBS: then this must include a path. THIS IS CASE SENSITIVE!!!
EG: PARSELIBRARY=Parsers/acnews.library Default: Parsers/acheadline.library
DELAY/N Auto-check time delay in minutes
EG: DELAY=20 Default: 5
SLOWMODE/S If set then the scroller runs at half speed. Slightly smoother and better for the hard of reading..
Default: Off

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Skins and Plugins

Skins available in our skin archive can be installed by simply coping the image file to the skins directory and selecting it in the tooltypes/cli. If you would like to create a skin then please get the skin devpac from the download page.

We are hoping to make avaliable seperate plugins for other news, the latest information will be on this site.

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To our knowledge no bugs exist in the ticker but should you happen to find one then please mail us with details of:

  • The Problem
  • Your Machine Specifications
  • Your OS version
  • How the problem came about

The address for bug reports is Please use the subject line "Ticker Bug Report".

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